Am Montag, den 17.12.2007, 11:39 -0500 schrieb m. allan noah: > > Please don`t try to force all that into SANE1 > > It already IS in SANE1 in at least one backend. >
I don?t talk about what a single backend does. I talk about the standard. > the current SANE2 draft spec is too big for anyone to get started on > it. there are so many backends and frontends out there and so few > developers, that i have begun to doubt it will ever happen. heck- its > been 18+ months since our last SANE1 release. Instead i think we need > to find a way to let SANE1 grow a little, while still maintaining > backwards compatability. Then you get several mixes between SANE1 and SANE2 what makes it much worser than only haveing SANE1 and SANE2. > > yes, it takes a specialized frontend to use these new frame types, but > the user has to set an option to enable them, and it's really no more > than a single line added to an enum in sane.h, so 'force' is really > not the right word at all. Adding something to an enum is a really bad idea because you can not test if this item is listed in the enum, you will get a lot of probelms with this. We can talk about starting SANE2 and I will create a SANE2 compilant version of xsane. But I will not produce any mixes between SANE1 and SANE2 for xsane. Best regards Oliver