On Sun, 03 Sep 2006 23:53:55 +0200 "Wolfram Heider"
<wolframhei...@web.de> wrote:

> The Canon Lide 25 should cause no problems with SANE.

Agreed. Googling, it is clear that many people use that scanner with
SANE with no problems. I agree that the problem appears to be with my

> And it seems
> your SANE-installation isn't really clean. So I would remove the
> whole SANE-stuff completely and do a entirely fresh setup. Try the
> first scan as 'root'.

Done, but the issue remains. Specifically, I:

1. Obtained the names of all installed sane-related packages ("rpm -qa |
grep sane") and uninstalled them ("rpm -e --nodeps libsane1
sane-frontends sane-backends xsane"). I used --nodeps to avoid having
to uninstall other packages that depend upon these, since I reinstalled
them below.

2. Located all sane related directories ("updatedb", "locate sane") and
changed their names.

3. Reinstalled what was uninstalled in step 1. Configured plustek.conf.
Insured dll.conf does not have plustek commented out.

4. Ran "sane-find-scanner" and "scanimage -L" as root. Same results as
previously reported (debug output shows that sane-plustek checks for
other Canon scanners but not the LiDE 25.

I also notice that the directory /usr/lib/sane was removed and
recreated during the above, and repopulated with the same 1.0.16 shared
objects, despite my using sane-backends-1.0.17-2.1.20060mdk. I do not
understand this at all.

I'm running out of ideas. If the problem is with my installation, and
yet a clean reinstallation does not fix the issue, then what else
should I be looking at to find my problem?

With my continued thanks,
Warren Post
Santa Rosa de Cop?n, Honduras

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