On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Darrell Styner wrote:

> That made it work. I'm now able to scan both single pages and in batch mode 
> using scanimage. A remaining problem is that scanimage -L seems to take a 
> long time (about 30 secs.) to return the name of my device. Is that normal? I 
> wouldn't care but I think it's causing lots of delays in xsane. Xsane has 
> other problems with the scanner as well (can't acquire a preview, frequent 
> timeouts, etc.) but I'll wait to document those until I'm sure everything's 
> working from scanimage.

1. no thats not normal, but it may be caused by lamp warm-up or some such. 
need more debug log info of what is going on during that pause.

2. of course it cant get a preview its an adf only scanner, and it cant 
back up.

3. xsane may have its own timers, and the backend my freeze too long, i 
dont know.

> BTW, "make" didn't recognize the change to fujitsu.c so I had to do a "make 
> clean" to get it to recompile the backend. Is there an easier way to get make 
> to recompile just the one changed file and rebuild the lib?

henning just yesterday committed a patch to cvs to use makedepend. it 
should do this.

> Thanks for the help,

its not a good long-term fix, so be prepared to test something more 
permanent later...


> On Nov 1, 2005, at 10:53 AM, m. allan noah wrote:
>> as a test, could you try modifying backend/fujitsu.c, recompile and 
>> re-install sane backends? i want to see if this fixes the problem...
>> around line 3673, you should see:
>> if (s->has_dropout_color)
>> change that to
>> if(0)
>> allan
>> On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Darrell Styner wrote:
>>> Here it is. Note that the end of the file shows an interrupt where I ^C'd 
>>> after waiting a couple minutes for it to continue. If I let it go on at 
>>> this point the log will grow rapidly as it fails trying to write the same 
>>> 31 bytes to the scanner over and over again.
>>> Thanks for looking into this.
>> -- 
>> "so don't tell us it can't be done, putting down what you don't know.
>> money isn't our god, integrity will free our souls" - Max Cavalera
> Darrell Styner
> darr...@avanta.com

"so don't tell us it can't be done, putting down what you don't know.
money isn't our god, integrity will free our souls" - Max Cavalera

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