2004-11-27 kl. 23.55 skrev Jeff Weinfeld:

> I am looking for help getting the above scanner running on a mac g5 
> running  os 10.3.6 with a Microtex X6 USB. I have installed latest 
> packages for osx:
> interface 0.9, backend 1.0.15, libsub 0.1.9. In terminal I am still 
> getting the scanimage not found error. After setting the path 
> correctly in terminal, I now get the error  scanimage: no SANE devices 
> found
> What would be the steps to fix it? This is listed as a supported 
> scanner. Thanks,
> Jeff Weinfeld

This scanner is supported by the microtek2 backend. This backend 
supports USB scanners using the microtek kernel module, which only 
exists on Linux. Until someone reimplements the functionality of that 
kernel module using libusb it won't work on any other platform 
including MacOS X. I have no idea if anyone is working on doing that...


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