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Hi Henning,

after experimenting with linedistance-fix and both, very large and very
small buffer sizes, I give up on mustek.conf and approach you with this
tricky problem:

When hooking up my ScanExpress 12000 SP Plus to an Adaptec APA-1480
Cardbus U-SCSI controller I get ugly horizontal lines in my color scans
for resolutions exceeding 300 dpi.

Here's the inquiry log:
[sanei_debug] Setting debug level of mustek to 255.
[mustek] SANE mustek backend version 1.0 build 137 from sane-backends 1.0.15
[mustek] sane_init: authorize !=3D null
[mustek] sane_init: using sanei_scsi_open_extended
[mustek] sane_init: reading config file `mustek.conf'
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 1: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 2: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 3: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 4: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 5: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 6: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 7: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 8: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 9: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 10: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 11: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 12: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 13: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 14: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 15: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 16: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 17: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 18: trying to attach `scsi SCANNER'
[mustek] attach: trying device /dev/sg3
[mustek] dev_open /dev/sg3
[mustek] dev_open: /dev/sg3 is a SCSI device
[mustek] dev_open: wanted 8 kbytes, got 8 kbytes buffer
[mustek] attach: sending INQUIRY
[mustek] dev_cmd: fd=3D5, src=3D0x404d1770, src_size=3D6, dst=3D0xbfffd450,=
[mustek] dev_cmd: sending:  12 00 00 00 60 00
[mustek] dev_cmd: receiving:  06 00 01 01 5b 01 00 00 53 43 41 4e 4e 45 52 =
[mustek] dev_cmd: receiving:  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 =
[mustek] dev_cmd: receiving:  56 31 30 30 4d 55 53 54 45 4b 20 20 58 43 30 =
[mustek] dev_cmd: receiving:  20 53 31 32 49 44 57 4d 31 32 33 37 39 37 01 =
[mustek] dev_cmd: receiving:  01 03 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =
[mustek] dev_cmd: receiving:  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 =
[mustek] dev_cmd: finished: dst_size=3D96, status=3DSuccess
[mustek] scsi_unit_wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY
[mustek] scsi_unit_wait_ready: TEST_UNIT_READY finished
[mustek] attach: SCSI Vendor: `SCANNER ' Model: `                ' Rev.: `V=
[mustek] attach: SCSI Type: Scanner; ANSI rev.: 1
[mustek] attach: SCSI flags:=20
[mustek] attach: inquiry output:
[mustek]  06 00 01 01 5b 01 00 00 53 43 41 4e 4e 45 52 20  ....[...SCANNER=
[mustek]  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20                 =
[mustek]  56 31 30 30 4d 55 53 54 45 4b 20 20 58 43 30 36  V100MUSTEK  XC06
[mustek]  20 53 31 32 49 44 57 4d 31 32 33 37 39 37 01 41   S12IDWM123797.A
[mustek]  01 03 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
[mustek]  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff  ................
[mustek] attach: found Mustek scanner (new firmware format)
[mustek] attach: new firmware revision system
[mustek] attach: firmware revision 1.00
[mustek] attach: scanner id: XC06 S12IDW
[mustek] attach: this is probably a ScanExpress Plus series A4 scanner
[mustek] attach: this is a single-pass scanner
[mustek] attach: scanner supports transparency adapter (TA)
[mustek] attach: scanner cover is closed
[mustek] attach: found Mustek ScanExpress 12000SP Plus flatbed scanner, 1-p=
ass, TA, SE
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 19: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 20: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 21: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 22: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 23: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 24: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 25: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 26: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 27: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 28: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 29: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 30: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 31: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 32: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 33: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 34: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 35: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 36: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 37: ignoring empty line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 38: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 39: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: config file line 40: ignoring comment line
[mustek] sane_init: end
[mustek] sane_get_devices: 1 devices=20
[mustek] sane_get_devices: end
[mustek] sane_exit
[mustek] mustek_scsi_pp_exit: entering
[mustek] sane_exit: finished

The striping also occurs for lower resolutions and in grayscale when
cropping the scanarea to less than full paperwidth:=20
"scanimage --mode Gray --resolution 150 -t 150 -y 25 -x 25" is stripy,
"scanimage --mode Gray --resolution 150 -t 150 -y 25" works fine.

On my webserver you may find some example scans with accompanying debug
logs for your analysis:
* scanimage --mode Color --resolution 288 -t 150 -y 25 -v
http://www.lsweb.de/images/sane/scan288dpi.jpg (works)
* scanimage --mode Color --resolution 360 -t 150 -y 25 -v
http://www.lsweb.de/images/sane/scan360dpi.jpg (screwed)
* scanimage --mode Color --resolution 360 -t 150 -y 25 -v=20
http://www.lsweb.de/images/sane/scan360dpi_8MB.jpg (bigger buffer, but=20
                                                    still screwed)

By the way, when hooked up to a Symbios Logic 53c875J controller there
is no striping to be seen, so there seems to be some problem in
conjunction with the APA-1480 (rev 03) hardware or the aic7xxx driver:

Adaptec AIC7xxx driver version: 6.2.36
Adaptec 1480A Ultra SCSI adapter
aic7860: Ultra Single Channel A, SCSI Id=3D7, 3/253 SCBs
Allocated SCBs: 5, SG List Length: 102
Target 6 Negotiation Settings
        User: 80.000MB/s transfers (80.000MHz, offset 127)
        Goal: 3.300MB/s transfers
        Curr: 3.300MB/s transfers
        Channel A Target 6 Lun 0 Settings
                Commands Queued 13152
                Commands Active 0
                Command Openings 1
                Max Tagged Openings 0
                Device Queue Frozen Count 0

Hopefully you can see the pattern in there...

       /(__  __|\          Lars Steinke - Debian Developer,
      (    \/  __)_        check out http://www.debian.org.
       )   (_____  /       For my PGP public key & Web page=20
      /___________/        use the URL http://www.lsweb.de.

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