On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:47:19 +0100
Jochen Eisinger <joc...@penguin-breeder.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I assume you are configured xinetd to execute saned as user saned (or 
> similar)
> does saned still work, if you execute it like this
> # su - saned
> $ saned -d128
> (i.e. running as user saned)
I can connect/scan, but after that saned stop.
> kind regards
> -- jochen

This is my configuration according to penguin-breeder.org:
  sane-port      6566/tcp     # SANE network scanner daemon
  service sane-port
        socket_type = stream
        server = /usr/sbin/saned
        protocol = tcp
        user = saned
        group = scanner
        wait = no
        disable = no
permissions are:
 0 -rw-rw----  1 root scanner 57 Jan 11 21:08 /proc/bus/usb/001/002
scanimage -L on server
 device `niash:libusb:001:002' is a Agfa Snapscan Touch flatbed scanner
telnet localhost 6566
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  Connection closed by foreign host.
  Jan 11 21:19:51 [xinetd] FAIL: sane-port address from=
  Jan 11 21:19:51 [xinetd] START: sane-port pid=10875 from=
  ALL :
  ALL :

If i stop xinetd and run
 SANE_DEBUG_NIASH=128 saned -d128 (on the server)
 SANE_DEBUG_NET=128 scanimage -L (on the client)

 [sanei_debug] Setting debug level of net to 128.
 [net] sane_init: authorize = 0x804aa00, version_code = 0xbfffe288
 [net] sane_init: SANE net backend version 1.0.12 (AF-indep) from
 sane-backends 1 .0.14[net] sane_init: Client has little endian byte
 order[net] sane_init: searching for config file
 [net] sane_init: trying to add
 [net] add_device: adding backend
 [net] add_device: backend added
 [net] sane_init: done reading config
 [net] sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_HOSTS
 [net] sane_init: done
 [net] sane_get_devices: local_only = 0
 [net] connect_dev: trying to connect to
 [net] connect_dev: [0] connection succeeded (IPv4)
 [net] connect_dev: sanei_w_init
 [net] connect_dev: net_init (user=patrick, local version=1.0.3)
 [net] connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=Success, remote
 version=1.0.3)[net] connect_dev: done
 [net] sane_get_devices: got
 [net] sane_get_devices: finished (1 devices)
 device `net:' is a Agfa Snapscan
 Touch flatbe d scanner[net] sane_exit: exiting
 [net] sane_exit: closing dev 0x8055bd8, ctl=5
 [net] sane_exit: finished.

If I run scanimage -L on the client with xinetd enabled i see this error
on the server.
 Jan 11 21:24:11 [xinetd] START: sane-port pid=10946 from=
 Jan 11 21:24:11 [xinetd] FAIL: sane-port address from=

now I'm desperate.
"Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons."
 -- Spock, to Kirk, refusing a hug (Star Trek V)

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