Hi again! I've edited genesys_devices.c according to the suggestions of Stef and a log of a 300dpi grayscale scan is attached( g3.txt ). Looking at the reaction of my scanner this has changed nothing(some clicking again). Also attached is the log of a usbsnoop session under Win98( hp2400.txt ). It's the log of connecting usbsnoop, starting the HP - Software , which then grabs a preview from the scanner. After that I did the desired 100dpi Color scan. But I fear I somehow configured Usbsnoop wrong.... Just tell me what I should do better next time. I've also attached the scanned Image (scan.jpg) if that's of any help. I took a look at the windows software and it says the scanner supports: 75/100/150/200/300/600/1200/2400/3600/4800/9600 dpi scans. Is this reasonable? Thanks, Flo
Link: http://seh.efyou.com/log2.tar.bz