Im the process now of buying a scanner and it seems that anything made
after 2002
is not supported :-\. For some reason I settled on a utek scanmaker 6000
but find that
it too is not supported. I just took a guess at which scanner might have
retained more
of the old control codes waved my finger and made a purchase. Ive come
to regret it.
Its more cumbersome than the truly slick canoscan LIDE series. After
I find out about the genesys backend and possible support for the lide
series. Im seriously
considering going back (for the second time now) to return this thing
and get the canon
Ive wanted all along. I mean I have a lot more hope for hardware when
someone has actually photographed the chipset and said chipset is
recognized by the USB subsystem.
I've done a few years worth of embedded development (resident SNMP
agents) and I'm
not working right now so if there is someway I can help with finishing
the backend
for one of these scanners (well sensibly it should be the scanner I end
up owning)
please let me know. I need to get back into coding and could use the


J. Sims

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