>Try this patch instead. It only closes the write end of the pipe, 
>and not both as the previous one.
>       Mattias
>diff -ur sane-backends.orig/backend/plustek.c sane-backends/backend/plustek.c
>--- sane-backends.orig/backend/plustek.c        2004-01-09 
>15:24:30.000000000 +0100
>+++ sane-backends/backend/plustek.c     2004-04-06 11:54:39.000000000 +0200
>@@ -443,6 +443,9 @@
>                 return SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR;
>         }
>+       close( scanner->w_pipe );
>+       scanner->w_pipe = -1;
>         DBG( _DBG_PROC, "reader_process: finished reading data\n" );
>         return SANE_STATUS_GOOD;
>  }

Great! With this patch it works!!
Just in time for the 1.0.14 :-)
Thank you!

P.S. I dint know why but the direct reply got this error...

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mattias.ell...@tsl.uu.se; Failed; 5.1.1 (bad destination mailbox address)

     Remote MTA smtp1.uu.se: SMTP diagnostic: 550 Service unavailable; 
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