On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 03:54:44PM +0200, Florian Reichert wrote:
> Hello!
> I woul like to report the following:
> xsane recognices my scanner correctly as plustek scanner and i am able to 
> use the TPU
> But with iscan I can't use the TPU of my 1260 Photo in iscan any more.

We (EPSON KOWA Corporation) are aware of the problem and will 

> Iscan detects the scanner as GT7300, what seems to be wrong.

The GT-7300 is the Japanese version of the Perfection 1260 Photo.  No 
problem there.  You can check in sane-epkowa(5).
# As a developer, I'd wish they stopped using different names for the 
# same thing in different places ;-{

> I also tried 1.4 which was working with my scanner and debian 3.0rc1, and 
> mandrake 9.0.
> Now I am using mandrake 9.1
> recent versions:
> xsane 0.90 -2mdk libsane1 1.0.11 -5mdk
> sane-backends 1.0.11 -5mdk
> kernel 2.4.21
> Could it be, that something in sane changed, so that the iscan backend 
> doen't detect the scanner in a propper way?

I doubt it is something in SANE.  The fault most likely is with iscan, 
or more precisely the epkowa backend that it provides.

> P.S. Someone mentioned iscan 1.5.3 is out ... but where could I get it? Is 
> that problem fixed there?

That someone was me, but I made a typo.  The latest release is 1.5.2.  
Sorry for any confusion.
Olaf Meeuwissen                            EPSON KOWA Corporation, ECS
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