On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Florian Reichert wrote:

> Hmm but was that the same way in 1.4.x? My scanner (and the TPU) worked
> with that Version ... Why does 1.4. now don't use the TPU? Thats why I
> think it could be because a change in sane and not in iscan ...

Oh... I wonder where I might find an older version of Iscan. Well
anyway, did Iscan produce much better scans of negatives (and other
transparencies) than xsane?

> same model with other name as the Perfection 1260, But the 1260 PHOTO
> should be a diferent one ...

Well, I have 1260 Photo as well (which detects as GT-7300). I thought
the Photo was the same scanner as the non-Photo but with the TPU?
Because the transparcy unit is available as an extension to the normal

> seems to be the same Scanner. But why doesn't the TPU work then?

I wish I knew. Nobody still hasn't told me, whether this
scanner can produce web-quality scans of (darker) slides
to begin with...


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