
Henning Meier-Geinitz schrieb:
> Hi,

[. . .]

> You could try to use the older debian package to make sure that it
> wasn't cause by an update from 1.0.10-1 to 1.0.10-2 or something like
> that.

I don't know where to get 1.0.10-1.

> Otherwise I don't have new ideas.

Me neither. I installed the scanner to my
girlfriends pc, on which a Debian system
is also running. No success. Tomorrow I
will connect the scanner to my pc at work.
Actually, I hope, that it won't work there,
because I would have found the cause :-).
If it works there, I don't know what else
to do . . .

Thanks for your help!


Christoph Bier, Dipl.Oecotroph., Email: b...@wiz.uni-kassel.de
Universitaet Kassel, FG Oekologische Lebensmittelqualitaet und
Ernaehrungskultur \\ Postfach 12 52 \\ 37202 Witzenhausen
Tel.: +49 (0) 55 42 / 98 -17 21, Fax: -17 13

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