Julian Gough <go...@gsc.riken.jp> writes:

> On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 09:50, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
>> The file you are looking for is esfw3e.bin.
> Graet! I got it. It was in a different place.
>>   SANE_DEBUG_SNAPSCAN=255 scanimage -> > debug.log

I meant to write -L, not ->, up there but I think you figured that

> Same old, same old.
> I just get No scanners were identified.

Did you also update the firmware line near the top of snapscan.conf.
Note that it can only handle *one* such line.  If you dumped your
esfw3e.bin in /usr/local/share, you should have

  firmware /usr/local/share/esfw3e.bin

in there.

> I am kind of getting the feeling it's not even trying. Should I delete
> all '.conf' files and remove all entries except the one for my scanner?

No, don't.  If you don't want SANE to try all the backends installed,
comment out the ones you don't want in dll.conf.  So if you only want
to try the snapscan backend, comment out all the others.

> Am I right to use 
> usb 0x04b8 0x0120
> or should I be using 
> libusb:001:003

You should be using "usb 0x04b8 0x0120".  That is assuming the USB
product ID is 0x0120 (I don't remember off the top of my head).

> Thanks for the help thus far.

You're welcome.
Olaf Meeuwissen                            EPSON KOWA Corporation, ECS
GnuPG key: 6BE37D90/AB6B 0D1F 99E7 1BF5 EB97  976A 16C7 F27D 6BE3 7D90
Penguin's lib!       -- I hack, therefore I am --               LPIC-2

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