
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 05:48:26PM +0100, Patrick Begou wrote:
> I've updated my kernel to a recener version and Sane to the latest
> stable version:
> linux-2.4.20 (from kernel.org)
> sane-backends-1.0.10
> sane-frontends-1.0.10
> I've find an old document (2001) saying to use 
> ./configure --enable-scsibuffersize=32768 for avision backend with
> HP5370C and I've added this parameter.

That limits the buffersize to 32768 bytes. However, the avision
backend does ignore the buffer size in the calibration function, so
I'm a bit surprised that this works. Maybe the kernel upgrade changed
the behaviour and not this option?

> xscanimage begans to work, but only with 100dpi, and the "Out of memory"
> message do not occur any more. Nice!
> Scan preview do not works and other resolutions give distorted results
> and some time hangs the (USB ?) drivers (the scanner is not found with
> scanimage -L after xscanimage fail)

Try setting the buffer size to bigger values again. You can do this at
runtime by setting "export SANE_SG_BUFFERSIZE=262144". Or any other


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