Hi. On: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 11:33:26 +0100, Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> wrote: > Hi, > =
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 01:22:25PM +0100, Patrick Begou wrote: > > When I'm trying scanimage I have the folowing error message: > > = > > $ scanimage --device avision:/dev/scanner >toto.pnm > > scanimage: sane_start: Out of memory > > = > > My config: > > -> HP Scanjet 5370C USB Erhm. Well ok. The 5370 is not yet supported due to yet-to-reverse-engineer-firmware-behavior ... > The scanner is detected by sane-find-scanner? The hpusbscsi kernel > module is loaded? Permissions for /dev/sg0 (or whatever device you > use) are set up correctly? /dev/scanner does point to that device? > = > > I saw in the archives something with SANE_SG_BUFFERSIZE but I have = no > > /proc/sys/kernel/sg-big-buff file and my scanner is USB (not SCSI).= > = > The scanner is SCSI-over-USB, that means, it uses the SCSI protocoll > internally. So it should show up as a SCSI scanner with > sane-find-scanner. > = > If it's detected by sane-find-scanner correctly, try setting the debu= g > varaibaled: export SANE_DEBUG_AVISION=3D255. Maybe you can find out > about the source of the problem. > = > Bye, > Henning - Ren=E9 -- = Ren=E9 Rebe - Europe/Germany/Berlin e-mail: rene.r...@gmx.net, r...@rocklinux.org web: www.rocklinux.org, drocklinux.dyndns.org/rene/ Anyone sending unwanted advertising e-mail to this address will be charged $25 for network traffic and computing time. By extracting my address from this message or its header, you agree to these terms.