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Hi to all. I am using PowerScanII of TriGem Corporation, a OEM product of 
Astra2400, a UMAX scanner. The only difference is the vendor and model name, 
therefore fully compatible with Umax scanner driver. There was no problem using 
the scanner on Windows platform using UMAX scanner drivers.. VistaScan.

Since the Sane doesn't support my scanner, I modified the sourcefile, 
'umax-scanner.c' in backend directory, inserted "TriGem" and "PowerScanII" 
element to scanner_str[], and compiled it. And everything works fine. 
sane-find-scanner, scanimage, etc.

The problem is that scanning procedure freezes when I try to scan image after 
scanning preview image. Each procedure works fine, i.e. I can scan image 
without any problem if I do not use preview program-I mean when I scan whole 
area.. - and preview program works fine. But when I try to scan image after 
setting the scanning area in preview window, the scanner freezes and stops 
scanning. It looks like starting normally, but at the very point the scanner 
head starts to move, the blinking ready light goes off, and scanner freezes. It 
worked once, though, when the scanning area is not off the top edge. But when I 
set the scanning area off the top edge, the same thing occured. I'm suspecting 
it as a error occuring during cropping mechanism, or timing, something like 

Xsane program seems like waiting for scanner to complete the scanning process, 
so I have to halt it manually. But since then I couldn't do anything with the 
scanner because the sane couldn't fine the scanner anymore. I think that's 
because of the blacked-out ready lamp.

So, what I wanna ask is two things..

1. How can I scan the image with the preview feature?

2. How can I set the scanner online again when it went offline?

Thanks in advace for your patience of reading my poor English.


µðÁöÅ» Ä«¸Þ¶ó¿Í Âû¶± ±ÃÇÕ - ¾ßÈÄ! »çÁø
µ· µÇ´Â Áß°íÂ÷ ¼îÇθô - ¾ßÈÄ! ÀÚµ¿Â÷
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<P>Hi to all. I&nbsp;am using PowerScanII of TriGem Corporation,&nbsp;a 
OEM&nbsp;product of Astra2400, a UMAX scanner. The only difference is the 
vendor and model name,&nbsp;therefore fully compatible with Umax scanner 
driver. There was no problem using the scanner on Windows platform using UMAX 
scanner drivers.. VistaScan.</P>
<P>Since the Sane doesn't support my scanner, I modified the sourcefile, 
'umax-scanner.c' in backend directory, inserted "TriGem" and "PowerScanII" 
element to scanner_str[], and compiled it. And everything works fine. 
sane-find-scanner, scanimage, etc.</P>
<P>The problem is that scanning procedure freezes when I try to scan image 
after scanning preview image. Each procedure works fine, i.e. I can scan image 
without any problem if I do not use preview program-I mean when I scan whole 
area.. - and preview program&nbsp;works fine. But when I try to scan image 
after setting the scanning area in preview window, the scanner freezes and 
stops scanning. It looks like starting normally, but at the very point the 
scanner head starts to move, the blinking ready light goes off, and scanner 
freezes. It worked once, though, when the scanning area is not off the top 
edge. But when I set the scanning area off the top edge, the same thing 
occured. I'm suspecting it as a error occuring during cropping mechanism, or 
timing, something like that.</P>
<P>Xsane program seems like waiting for scanner to complete the scanning 
process, so I have to halt it manually. But since then I couldn't do anything 
with the scanner because&nbsp;the sane couldn't fine the scanner anymore. I 
think that's because of the blacked-out ready lamp.</P>
<P>So, what I wanna ask is two things..</P>
<P>1. How can I scan the image with the preview feature?</P>
<P>2. How can I set the scanner online again when it went offline?</P>
<P>Thanks in advace for your patience of reading my poor English.</P>
<P>&nbsp;</P><p><hr size=1>
µðÁöÅ» Ä«¸Þ¶ó¿Í Âû¶± ±ÃÇÕ - <a href="http://kr.photos.yahoo.com";>¾ßÈÄ! 
µ· µÇ´Â Áß°íÂ÷ ¼îÇθô - <a href="http://autos.yahoo.co.kr/autos";>¾ßÈÄ! 

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