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On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 09:52, Ulrich Deiters wrote:
> I think the HP photo smart scanner is within our price range, but
> I cannot recommend it: It grips negative strips or slides with
> rubber transport rollers, so you can be sure that you will have
> transport problems once the rubber surface show some wear. Furthermore,
> you cannot handle slides in glass frames with this scanner.

I don't think we can recommend HP PhotoSmart S20 film scanner to Linux
user just because it only works on Windows. Even VueScan only supports
it on Windows because it makes use of a Windows specific library
provided by HP....

> Some Canon film scanners are also supported by SANE, but you probably
> will not find a new one for <500 US$; the FS2710 is probably at
> 650-700 US$ at the moment. But perhaps you can find a good used one?

I'm not sure you can consider USD 500 as reasonnable budget for a film
scanner, but it appear that sometime you can find Nikon CoolScan III
(aka LS30) for a real good price (I bought mine for EUR 539 recently).
And it works very well with SANE.


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