
I am planning to purchase a modern, quality, but amateur film scanner
for home use: some negatives but mostly slides, framed and unframed.
My PC is a Sun/SPARC (SunBlade 100) so I need to rely on sane for
software.  From the sane documentation I understand there is no chance
for me to use any USB scanners, so I am planning to go the SCSI route
(which unfortunately will set me back $300 for a Sun SCSI adapter).

Now, the question.  Can anyone recommend a film scanner fully supported
by sane under Solaris/SPARC, with a good dynamic range for slides?
The resolution need not be much above 2000 dpi.
The price however, is of concern, anything above $500 is out of question.

Please do not suggest paper scanners with transparency adapters.

Thank you,
Witold Paluszynski <wit...@ict.pwr.wroc.pl>
Institute of Tech. Cybernetics
Wroclaw University of Technology
Wroclaw, Poland

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