
On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 09:21:18PM +0200, drfazor wrote:
> Mustek 600 II CD with 3151P scsi cards (on ISA port ...it was include with)

I have never heard about this SCSI adapter. Usually the Mustek
scanners come with Domex/DTC cards (e.g. DTC-3181) or a 53C400A. See
http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/docu.html#SCSI for a list. If it's
one of the cards listed, just use the mentioned modprobe commands to
load the SCSi driver. If loading is successful, sane-find-scanner and
scanimage should work. You may need to adjust permissions of e.g.
/dev/sg0 if you want to scan as ordinary user.

If it's really a different SCSI card, you must find out by which Linux
SCSI driver the card is supported and then load this SCSI driver.

> With a sane-find-scanner -v, it failed to open all the device.After research 
> in /dev this output don't exist.

You mean there is no /dev/sg0 for example? Maybe you use devfs? In
this case the entries are created automatically when a device is


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