
Currently all description files (backend/*.desc) are parsed by
tools/sane-desc.el and included in one HTML page:
doc/sane-backends.html (see
http://www.mostang.com/sane/sane-backends.html). Backends not yet
included are marked by a version in round brackets.

I would like to split this list to one that includes the backends
included in SANE (updated with every release) and one that lists other
backends (updated when changes occur).

Here are examples of such pages:


At http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/tmp/desc.dif there is a patch
against current CVS. Apply with 
cd sane-backends; patch -p1 <desc.dif

The patch does the following things:

- move internal descriptions from backend/*.desc to doc/descriptions
- move external descriptions from backend/*.desc to doc/descriptions-external
- modify tools/sane-desc.el(.in) to include the SANE version in the HTML
  page, add link to external backends page, remove info about
  "(version)" scheme
- add tools/sane-desc-ext.el: similar to sane-desc.el, but ignores
  version and manpage tags and has no status :new.
- update configure, configure.in, tools/Makefile.in, doc/Makefile.in


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