On Monday 23 July 2001 23:24, Roger L.S. Griffiths BSc (Hons) wrote:
> Hi there,
> Anyone used this scanner with SANE?
> If so what backend and version of SANE?
> I have tried the PIE backend with Sane 1.0.4 under SuSE Linux 7.1
> Professional (x86 platform) and an Adaptec AHA-2940A SCSI card.
> Many Thanks

Simon Munton solved my Devcom 9636Pro problems by producing a patch against 
sane 1.0.3, and all worked well.  I believe the newer versions of sane have 
this patch as part of the code..
I haven't tested my scanner since installing Mandrake 8.0 but I will next 
week and let you know if it works and what problems if any I encounter.

I hope this will be of help to you,

Paul Stear

From: Paul Stear <p...@appjaws.co.uk>
To: sane-de...@mostang.com

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Hi,
> sane-pie is a backend for Pacific Image Electronics series of ScanAce SCSI
> scanners, and the Devcom 9636/9630 BlackWidow scanners.
> A patch against sane 1.0.3 is available at
> http://www.munton.demon.co.uk/sane
> The backend definitely works with the Devcom 9636PRO; other models may or
> may not work. Testing and feedback would be appreciated.
> Simon Munton

Hi Simon,
Thanks for the info, this is just what I have been waiting for so
that I can get rid of windows.
I have downloaded the patch and will try it tomorrow and let you know
how I get on.


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