Hi Greg
> You give almost no information about what's wrong or the details. I think, when you take my question into consideration, that i provided plenty of information. But i shall try to get a little bit more into the details. > Did your install go flawlessly, and the new Samba box joined the > domain fine? As i said in the first mail, "wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g works" … so yes the install was flawless and the join procedure worked very well. > What Windows clients, Win7, XP, Vista, Win8, Win95? Windows Server 2012 > Are the windows clients members of the domain? Yes of course > What is holding the domain, a Samba server or Windows? > What functional level is the domain? (AD 2000, AD 2008R2 etc) Windows 2008R2 > It's not clear to me, you're sharing files from the Samba4 box? It's pretty clear when you look at the referred guide: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/Domain_Member > Could you reproduce your smb.conf? Yes … it's in the guide as well: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/Domain_Member > I'm probably not the guy who can help best, but no-one will have the > least idea where to start with what you've *not* provided in terms of > details. Thanks for your insight, but i expect the correct answer to be "You are following the wrong guide, go here: http://something.com/blah" :-) Anyway i hope these further details may help others help me … :-) /Mike -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba