You give almost no information about what's wrong or the details.

What version of Samba? 4.0.?
Did your install go flawlessly, and the new Samba box joined the
domain fine?
What Windows clients, Win7, XP, Vista, Win8, Win95?
Are the windows clients members of the domain?

What is holding the domain, a Samba server or Windows?
What functional level is the domain? (AD 2000, AD 2008R2 etc)

It's not clear to me, you're sharing files from the Samba4 box?

Could you reproduce your smb.conf?

I'm probably not the guy who can help best, but no-one will have the
least idea where to start with what you've *not* provided in terms of


MC> I've tried this guide :

MC> Which as far as i can se is the nearest thing to an official
MC> advisory on how to join a file-sharing host to en active directory.

MC> wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g works, but we cannot access the share
MC> from our windows clients, it prompts for passwords right away. 

MC> I can't find any clue in the log files and I'm kinda stranded … where to go 
from here?

MC> Thanks in advance, your doing a great job.

MC> /Mikjaer

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