Am 25.07.2013 17:32, schrieb Achim Gottinger:
Am 25.07.2013 16:57, schrieb Achim Gottinger:

Due to an not so well coded dns update script my /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL.ldb db consumes now ~500MB.
So i decided to delete all the Outdated records.
I prepared an list of all the DN's with Base DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local and Attribute isDeleted=TRUE. There are about 80000 outdated entries whom i plan to delete. If I loop over each line in my list and run ldbdel -H DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL.ldb [DN] it takes about an second for each entry so it would take about 22h to delete them all. Is there a way i can speed things up?

Thanks in advance

Found an faster solution using ldbmodify so never mind.
Well it turned out that removing all these deleted dns records via ldbmodify on my two ad dc's results in an inconsistent dns database. Means i can not delete records via samba-tool or windows DNS server gui. After the deleteion and an tdbbackup of the ldb file it had shrunk to ~1MB. I assume i have to wait now till these old entries expire.

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