Due to an not so well coded dns update script my
/var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb.d/DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL.ldb db
consumes now ~500MB.
So i decided to delete all the Outdated records.
I prepared an list of all the DN's with Base
DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=domain,DC=local and Attribute isDeleted=TRUE.
There are about 80000 outdated entries whom i plan to delete. If I loop
over each line in my list and run ldbdel -H
DC=DOMAINDNSZONES,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL.ldb [DN] it takes about an second
for each entry so it would take about 22h to delete them all. Is there a
way i can speed things up?
Thanks in advance
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