On Tuesday, May 07, 2013 05:57:13 PM G.W. Haywood wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Tue, 7 May 2013 czezz wrote:
> > I use FreeDOS with MS Client to map a network drive.  However MS
> > Client is a memory hog and prevents me to run all applications I
> > need.  Therefore I would like to ask here is there SAMBA
> > implementation for DOS ?
> Have you considered using DOSBox on a Linux machine?  Then you can do
> whatever you want with drives, mapping, NAS, or whatever.  I use it a
> lot for an old application that I wrote over twenty years ago, it does
> everything that I need.
> Alternatively you could try VirtualBox, which will let you do similar
> things with drives but I don't know how flexible it is.

To extend this concept a little, mayhap czezz could run each DOS app in a 
separate VM or separate DOSBox. Then he wouldn't need to worry about RAM.
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