Hello Marc,
thank you for reply.
I didnt mention that I googled a lot before this post but  - yes - I know that 
site. The only solution that worked for me is MS Client, but this one takes too 
much memory.
 @LukasI dont mind for the recent version. My Samba server is very old  - 
version is samba-2.2.12.I need anything that I can map network share and still 
have some reasonable amount of conventional mem :( BR,czezz  It doesn't sound 
like one has been developed that's compatible withrecent (i.e. within the last 
decade) versions of the protocol:
Dnia 7 maja 2013 17:49 Marc Muehlfeld <sa...@marc-muehlfeld.de> 
Hello czezz,
Am 07.05.2013 15:33, schrieb czezz:
> Well, simply Im looking for SAMBA Client for DOS
> (client that allows me to map share as a drive.)
I haven't used DOS in a network environment for a long time, so I can't
recommend anything. But Google gave me this page:
Maybe you find there something usefull.
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