Can you go into more detail on this? 

On Monday, December 16, 2024 at 9:29:13 AM UTC-8 Nils Bruin wrote:

> On Saturday, 14 December 2024 at 09:28:37 UTC-8 
> wrote:
> I want to compute a single place of degree 8 so I can use it as described 
> in the OP. 
>  If you want to evaluate a function at a place, you'll just get a value in 
> the residue field. In the case of a degree 8 place, that will be a degree 8 
> extension of GF(2^16), so indeed in GF(2^128). The value you get will be 
> exactly the value that you get by evaluating the corresponding degree 1 
> point over GF(2^128). So from what you describe, it would seem you don't 
> need to bother with degree 8 places over GF(2^16) but you can just work 
> with degree 1 points over GF(2^128). The advantage of that is that a lot of 
> the computational complexity gets pushed into the field arithmetic (which 
> is highly optimized), instead of the maximal order machinery of function 
> fields.
> It shouldn't be hard to get your hands on a point over GF(2^128). They are 
> as abundant as points over lower degree fields. If you really want to make 
> sure it's really a degree 8 place over GF(2^16) you probably want to check 
> that its Frobenius orbit has the right length for that.

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