Hi Gordon,

On 3 October 2024 12:06:03 BST, Gordon <gordonfro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>This is not exactly a bug, but definitely a "gotcha" which will catch many
>people unawares but could easily be fixed.
>It is related to the two functions "orientations" and
>"acyclic_orientations" which are meant to return iterators to all
>orientations and to the acyclic orientations respectively.
>The confusion arises from the fact that these two functions return their
>results in different ways, one of which is intuitive, but the other very
>One way of viewing an "orientation" is as an undirected graph with some
>indication on each edge (u,v) as to whether it is directed from u to v, or
>v to u.
>Another way of viewing an "orientation" is that it is a directed graph,
>where each edge has been replaced either with the arc u->v or v->u.
>The command "g.orientations()" returns an iterator which produces a
>sequence of directed graphs, each being a different orientation of the
>original graph. This is natural and unambiguous.
>The command "g.acyclic_orientations()" also returns an iterator that
>produces a sequence of directed graphs, but it just produces the SAME
>directed graph multiple times. The information about the orientation is
>hidden in labels on the edges, so that (u,v,0) means an arc from u to v and
>(u,v,1) means an arc from v to u.
>So "acyclic_orientations" is mixing up the two representations  - it is
>returning digraphs, but also labelling the edges.
>My suggestion is that the output from "acyclic_orientations" should be
>changed so that it returns digraphs with unlabelled edges.
>In this fashion, the orientation information is contained directly in the
>digraph and the output is then consistent with "orientations()".
Indeed, it's inconsistent design. However,

>From efficiency point of view, returning a sequence of graphs is much
slower than returning edge labels only.
I.e., mathematically, for a graph (V,E) I'd define orientation
(acyclic or not) as a function E -> VxV
and return an iterator giving all such functions.
The default should be this most efficient representation - which is
trivial to convert to a sequence of digraphs, if needed.

acyclic_orientation() does this sort of optimisation, not creating new
digraphs. Might lead to "interesting" side effects,
as it returns a digraph, just one for all the orientations, as far as I can see.

I've opened https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/38758 to deal with this.



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