This is not exactly a bug, but definitely a "gotcha" which will catch many 
people unawares but could easily be fixed.

It is related to the two functions "orientations" and 
"acyclic_orientations" which are meant to return iterators to all 
orientations and to the acyclic orientations respectively.

The confusion arises from the fact that these two functions return their 
results in different ways, one of which is intuitive, but the other very 

One way of viewing an "orientation" is as an undirected graph with some 
indication on each edge (u,v) as to whether it is directed from u to v, or 
v to u.

Another way of viewing an "orientation" is that it is a directed graph, 
where each edge has been replaced either with the arc u->v or v->u.

The command "g.orientations()" returns an iterator which produces a 
sequence of directed graphs, each being a different orientation of the 
original graph. This is natural and unambiguous.

The command "g.acyclic_orientations()" also returns an iterator that 
produces a sequence of directed graphs, but it just produces the SAME 
directed graph multiple times. The information about the orientation is 
hidden in labels on the edges, so that (u,v,0) means an arc from u to v and 
(u,v,1) means an arc from v to u. 

So "acyclic_orientations" is mixing up the two representations  - it is 
returning digraphs, but also labelling the edges.  

My suggestion is that the output from "acyclic_orientations" should be 
changed so that it returns digraphs with unlabelled edges. 

In this fashion, the orientation information is contained directly in the 
digraph and the output is then consistent with "orientations()".



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