Inspiration : this question 

Using the Wolfram engine <> gives me a 
curious and nonsensical conversion. Compare :
sage: mathematica("Sum[%s, %s]"%tuple(map(lambda u:repr(mathematica(u)), 
((1+(-1)^k)*x^k, [k , 0, oo])))) -2/(-1 + x^2) # Correct sage: 
mathematica.Sum(*map(mathematica, ((1+(-1)^k)*x^k, [k , 0, oo]))) {(1 + 
(-1)^k)*k*x^k, 0, (1 + (-1)^k)*x^k*Infinity} # Nonsensical 

I *think* that this signs a bug in the Mathematica conversion of sum. Can 
someone check me with the “full blown” Mathematica interpreter before I 
open an new issue ?

Thanks in advance…

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