... and all is not fresh in Sympy's realm either.

Full details in [this ask.sagematjh.org 

TL;DR : a linear system, perfectly solved by Sage's default solver (i. e. 
Maxima's), gets a wrong answer when one of its variables is replaced by the 
`I` (*i*, imaginary unit) constant.

The problem can be reproduced in `maxima` used standalone. (see referenced 

Furthermore, the same system (with *i*) seems to confuse `sympy` to no 
extend : `solve(Sys, IVars), algorithm="sympy")`doesn't return after more 
than 15 minutes, whereas the solution of the system with a variable instead 
of *i* is solved in a matter of milliseconds...

Giac doesn't give an answer, and Fricas seems to return the same thing as 

Advoce requested on how to file tickets/bug reports efficiently.

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