OK. That was not an error of mine (nor my Sage installation), but a a 
genuine problem. So no indication to file a ticket.

Note : Numerics with"standard" are not a problem :

sage: %time matrix([[CDF(u) for u in v] for v in pM]).eigenvectors_right()
CPU times: user 1.95 ms, sys: 15 µs, total: 1.96 ms
Wall time: 1.85 ms
[(-1.5855741097050124 - 1.9835895314317984*I,
  [(0.9524479486112228, -0.2837102376875301 - 0.11002559239003057*I, 
0.011400252227268036 - 0.010761481586469179*I)],
 (0.10840730449357763 + 1.6730496133213792*I,
  [(0.8835538411020463, 0.2631022513327894 - 0.3627905504445216*I, 
0.05890961187635257 + 0.12256626515553348*I)],
 (0.4060235736555931 + 2.708455679766778*I,
  [(0.8864942697472706, 0.26813150779882816 - 0.24992379361655742*I, 
-0.24416421274380526 - 0.14196949964794017*I)],

But if you need extended precision, there's a snag :

sage: C= ComplexField(200)
sage: %time foo = matrix([[C(u) for u in v] for v in 
<timed exec>:1: UserWarning: Using generic algorithm for an inexact ring, 
which may result in garbage from numerical precision issues.
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
<timed exec> in <module>

in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.eigenvectors_right 
   6709             implemented for RDF and CDF, but not for Rational Field
   6710         """
-> 6711         return self.transpose().eigenvectors_left(other=other, 
   6713     right_eigenvectors = eigenvectors_right

in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.eigenvectors_left 
   6623         from sage.rings.qqbar import QQbar
   6624         from sage.categories.homset import hom
-> 6625         eigenspaces = self.eigenspaces_left(format='galois', 
   6626         evec_list=[]
   6627         n = self._nrows

in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.eigenspaces_left 
   6127             msg = ("eigenspaces cannot be computed reliably for 
inexact rings such as {0},\n",
   6128                    "consult numerical or symbolic matrix classes 
for other options")
-> 6129             raise 
   6131         format = self._eigenspace_format(format)

NotImplementedError: eigenspaces cannot be computed reliably for inexact 
rings such as Complex Field with 200 bits of precision,
consult numerical or symbolic matrix classes for other options

so you're back to "manual" computation of eigenvalues, then eigenvectors, 
and maintaining precision sin't obvious...

Thank you very much.
Le vendredi 11 juin 2021 à 15:18:39 UTC+2, Fredrik Johansson a écrit :

> What is reasonable depends on what you expect to be able to do with the 
> solutions. Numerical evaluation should be easy, but if you want canonical 
> forms (minimal polynomials) or the ability to check equalities, that's 
> going to be far more costly.
> It looks like the eigenvalues of this matrix will have degree 192 and 
> height several hundred digits. Computing their minimal polynomials 
> explicitly should be doable, but could take minutes, hours or years 
> depending on the algorithm.
> The SR solutions just look like the result of expanding the cubic formula; 
> there's not much real computation involved.
> The QQbar solutions are huge:
> sage: len(str(sage_input(pM.charpoly().roots()[0][0])))
> 63295
> Even so, they are still partially lazy (involving nested field 
> extensions), and reducing them to absolute representations (e.g. with 
> .exactify()) where you can meaningfully test equality is presumably going 
> to take a long time. 
> How does Calcium fare here? Doing this with arithmetic on minimal 
> polynomials (qqbar_t) is going to take forever. With Calcium fields, 
> representing the solutions lazily is easy. There's no code for representing 
> roots of polynomials implicitly yet, but we can use the cubic formula for a 
> 3x3 matrix. Quick computation with CalciumField in Nemo:
> julia> function cubic(C,a,b,c,d)
>          a = C(a)
>          b = C(b)
>          c = C(c)
>          d = C(d)
>          d0 = b^2 - 3*a*c
>          d1 = b*(2*b^2-9*a*c) + 27*a^2*d
>          E = ((d1 + sqrt(d1^2 - 4*d0^3))//2) ^ (C(1) // 3)
>          D = d0 // E
>          w = C(root_of_unity(QQBar, 3))
>          w2 = w^2
>          x1 = (b + E + D) // (-3*a)
>          x2 = (b + w*E + D//w) // (-3*a)
>          x3 = (b + w2*E + D//w2) // (-3*a)
>          return x1, x2, x3
>        end;
> julia> function eigproblem()
>           C = CalciumField()
>           I = C(1im)
>           M = C[-sqrt(C(2)) - 1  C(1)//4*I*sqrt(C(759)) - C(1)//4  
> -2*sqrt(C(3));
>                  C(1)//2*I*sqrt(C(3)) + C(1)//2  C(1)//8*sqrt(C(33)) + 
> C(1)//8  -C(1)//5*sqrt(C(29)) + C(3)//5;
>                  C(0)  C(1)//4  C(1)//2*I*sqrt(C(23)) + C(1)//2]
>           CP = charpoly(PolynomialRing(C, "x")[1], M)
>           return CP, cubic(C, coeff(CP, 3), coeff(CP, 2), coeff(CP, 1), 
> coeff(CP, 0));
>        end;
> julia> @time CP, (x1, x2, x3) = eigproblem();
>   0.215785 seconds (135.20 k allocations: 11.313 MiB, 46.95% gc time)
> julia> x1
> 0.108407 + 1.67305*I 
> {(-160*a^2+20*a*d+80*a*f*i-160*a*h-60*a+60*d*f*g-50*d*f*i-20*d*h-15*d+24*e-80*f*h*i-150*f*i+60*g*i-420*h+213)/(480*a)
> where a = 3.36525 - 3.03539*I [Pow(-54.9070 - 75.1596*I 
> {(6*b+90*d*e-1800*d*f*g*h-3375*d*f*g+3000*d*f*h*i+4950*d*f*i-41175*d*g*i+2250*d*h-42045*d+360*e*f*i+1440*e*h+1890*e+9225*f*g+3600*f*h*i+5270*f*i-1800*g*h*i-3375*g*i+10800*g+40930*h+32400*i+71955)/3200},
> 0.333333 {1/3})], b = 13494.0 - 27535.7*I [Sqrt(-5.76129e+8 - 7.43136e+8*I 
> {-711000*d*e*f*g*h+385050*d*e*f*g+1026000*d*e*f*h*i+241200*d*e*f*i-5247000*d*e*g*h*i-7971750*d*e*g*i+54000*d*e*g-5202300*d*e*h+162000*d*e*i-7560900*d*e-1440000*d*f*g*h*i-13943250*d*f*g*h-3105000*d*f*g*i-23751150*d*f*g+22459500*d*f*h*i-8640000*d*f*h-113185725*d*f*i-14985000*d*f-38975250*d*g*h*i+1350000*d*g*h-107574750*d*g*i+48888000*d*g+4050000*d*h*i-197409600*d*h-149796000*d*i-341006175*d+129000*e*f*g*h+216000*e*f*g*i+272250*e*f*g+2902800*e*f*h*i+3985200*e*f*i-648000*e*f-711000*e*g*h*i+864000*e*g*h-25834950*e*g*i+1134000*e*g+2592000*e*h*i+5213700*e*h+3402000*e*i+34315260*e+2160000*f*g*h*i+297276750*f*g*h+19767000*f*g*i+524963250*f*g+119813100*f*h*i-6480000*f*h+238612275*f*i+7119000*f-475643250*g*h*i+27798000*g*h+2049398850*g*i+49248000*g+70434000*h*i-343497600*h+123444000*i-1837827855})],
> c = 27.5500 [c^2-759=0], d = 5.74456 [d^2-33=0], e = 5.38516 [e^2-29=0], f 
> = 4.79583 [f^2-23=0], g = 1.73205 [g^2-3=0], h = 1.41421 [h^2-2=0], i = I 
> [i^2+1=0]}
> julia> CP(x1)
> 0e-21 - 0e-21*I 
> {(-1024000*a^6+57600*a^3*d*e-1152000*a^3*d*f*g*h-2160000*a^3*d*f*g+1920000*a^3*d*f*h*i+3168000*a^3*d*f*i-26352000*a^3*d*g*i+1440000*a^3*d*h-26908800*a^3*d+230400*a^3*e*f*i+921600*a^3*e*h+1209600*a^3*e+5904000*a^3*f*g+2304000*a^3*f*h*i+3372800*a^3*f*i-1152000*a^3*g*h*i-2160000*a^3*g*i+6912000*a^3*g+26195200*a^3*h+20736000*a^3*i+46051200*a^3-907200*d*e*f*g*h+568080*d*e*f*g+907200*d*e*f*h*i+201600*d*e*f*i-4017600*d*e*g*h*i-7484400*d*e*g*i-3238560*d*e*h-5720220*d*e-34268400*d*f*g*h+21208410*d*f*g+17771400*d*f*h*i-269751300*d*f*i+155350800*d*g*h*i+109899450*d*g*i+28690380*d*h+72015435*d-1252800*e*f*g*h-745200*e*f*g+2842560*e*f*h*i+2160000*e*f*i-907200*e*g*h*i-81511920*e*g*i-12800160*e*h+106462116*e-274287600*f*g*h-477318150*f*g-365157880*f*h*i-728050500*f*i+1689411600*g*h*i-88231590*g*i-1638440820*h+2202115707)/(27648000*a^3)
> where a = 3.36525 - 3.03539*I [Pow(-54.9070 - 75.1596*I 
> {(6*b+90*d*e-1800*d*f*g*h-3375*d*f*g+3000*d*f*h*i+4950*d*f*i-41175*d*g*i+2250*d*h-42045*d+360*e*f*i+1440*e*h+1890*e+9225*f*g+3600*f*h*i+5270*f*i-1800*g*h*i-3375*g*i+10800*g+40930*h+32400*i+71955)/3200},
> 0.333333 {1/3})], b = 13494.0 - 27535.7*I [Sqrt(-5.76129e+8 - 7.43136e+8*I 
> {-711000*d*e*f*g*h+385050*d*e*f*g+1026000*d*e*f*h*i+241200*d*e*f*i-5247000*d*e*g*h*i-7971750*d*e*g*i+54000*d*e*g-5202300*d*e*h+162000*d*e*i-7560900*d*e-1440000*d*f*g*h*i-13943250*d*f*g*h-3105000*d*f*g*i-23751150*d*f*g+22459500*d*f*h*i-8640000*d*f*h-113185725*d*f*i-14985000*d*f-38975250*d*g*h*i+1350000*d*g*h-107574750*d*g*i+48888000*d*g+4050000*d*h*i-197409600*d*h-149796000*d*i-341006175*d+129000*e*f*g*h+216000*e*f*g*i+272250*e*f*g+2902800*e*f*h*i+3985200*e*f*i-648000*e*f-711000*e*g*h*i+864000*e*g*h-25834950*e*g*i+1134000*e*g+2592000*e*h*i+5213700*e*h+3402000*e*i+34315260*e+2160000*f*g*h*i+297276750*f*g*h+19767000*f*g*i+524963250*f*g+119813100*f*h*i-6480000*f*h+238612275*f*i+7119000*f-475643250*g*h*i+27798000*g*h+2049398850*g*i+49248000*g+70434000*h*i-343497600*h+123444000*i-1837827855})],
> c = 27.5500 [c^2-759=0], d = 5.74456 [d^2-33=0], e = 5.38516 [e^2-29=0], f 
> = 4.79583 [f^2-23=0], g = 1.73205 [g^2-3=0], h = 1.41421 [h^2-2=0], i = I 
> [i^2+1=0]}
> These representations are pretty similar to the SR solutions, just 
> displayed more compactly. You can use them for numerics:
> julia> AcbField(1000)(CP(x1))
> [+/- 4.69e-648] + [+/- 4.25e-648]*im
> julia> AcbField(10000)(CP(x1))
> [+/- 7.21e-6336] + [+/- 7.18e-6336]*im
> The following exact test fails because the absolute representations of the 
> algebraic numbers are too large:
> julia> CP(x1) == 0
> ERROR: Unable to perform operation (failed deciding truth of a predicate): 
> isequal
> It's an interesting problem to make this work (in reasonable time).
> Fredrik
> On Friday, June 11, 2021 at 9:51:46 AM UTC+2 Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
>> As the first part of a demonstration on eigensystems, I was surprised to 
>> see that computing QQbar polynomial roots was way slower that computing 
>> the roots of the same polynomial expressed as a symbolic expression, or 
>> solveing it :
>> # Relative timings of QQbar.roots and solve
>> from time import time as stime
>> BR = QQbar
>> Dim = 3
>> set_random_seed(0)
>> pM = MatrixSpace(BR, Dim).random_element()
>> sM = matrix([[SR(u.radical_expression()) for u in v] for v in pM])
>> sl = var("sl")
>> slI = sl*diagonal_matrix([1]*Dim)
>> sCM = sM - slI
>> sCP = sCM.det()
>> t0 = stime()
>> SS = solve(sCP, sl)
>> t1 = stime()
>> SR = sCP.roots()
>> t2 = stime()
>> R1.<pl> = BR[]
>> plI = pl*diagonal_matrix([1]*Dim)
>> pCM = pM - plI
>> pCP = pCM.det()
>> t3 = stime()
>> SP = pCP.roots()
>> t4 = stime()
>> print("solve : %7.2f, roots(symbolic) : %7.2f, roots(QQbar) : %7.2f"%\
>>       (t1 -t0, t2 - t1, t4 - t3))
>> gives :
>> solve :    2.36, roots(symbolic) :    2.04, roots(QQbar) :  600.07
>> a quick check on Cocalc <https://cocalc.com> showed the same behavior in 
>> 9.1 ; so if it is a problem, it is not a recent one…
>> Is this the expected behavior ?
>> ​

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