Le mer. 23 déc. 2020 à 14:55, Mouse Mousevich:
>> the MacPorts-specific part would be to create a list of packages to install, 
>> and put it into build/pkgs/*/distros/macports
>> and a similar global location.
> I'm not sure I understand what that means. If a package is already installed
> by Macports - it does not make sense installing it again. More so, Macports
> keeps a system-wide installation, rather than a copy for each user.

For each package `pkgname` Sage uses, the `build/pkg/pkgname` folder
contains information about building and about not-building this package.
The not-building information is a folder `distros` with a bunch of text files,
one per distro, containing the name of the package in that distro that can
be used if present instead of building it. For an example, see


The various text files there tell the Sage build system what package
to check for. Depending on the distro, that might be one of:

openssl openssl-devel
openssl openssl-solibs

To support using the packages from MacPorts, we need

- a file build/pkgs/macports.txt with information on core packages,
  see all the text files in


- and for each "spkg", a macports.txt file containing the name of
  the equivalent MacPorts package to check for (and to recommend
  installing if not present)

See recent work on adding support for voidlinux


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