Mon 2020-01-13 15:59:19 UTC, Rachel Player:
> I am also having trouble installing Sage on macOS Catalina 10.15.2.
> The issue appears to be with the internal version of python.
> Here’s what I did:
> - Downloaded sage-9.0-OSX_10.15.2-x86_64.tar.bz2
> - Opened with tar -xzf sage-9.0-OSX_10.15.2-x86_64.tar.bz2
> - Cd’d into SageMath
> - Ran ./sage

Suggestion (initial $ on any line denotes shell prompt):

- download sage-9.0-OSX_10.15.2-x86_64.tar.bz2

- extract with

    $ tar -xf sage-9.0-OSX_10.15.2-x86_64.tar.bz2

  which gives a SageMath folder

- recursively unquarantine that folder with

    $ xattr -rd SageMath

- change to SageMath and run Sage with

    $ cd SageMath
    $ ./sage

- if that works, quit Sage and create a symlink
  to Sage somewhere in your path:

    sage: quit
    $ sudo ln -s `pwd`/sage /usr/local/bin

Then, in any terminal session, you can start Sage
from anywhere without having to cd to SageMath.

Start the Sage REPL:

    $ sage

Start the Jupyter notebook server:

    $ sage -n jupyter

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