On Tue, 17 Sep 2019, J wrote:

> TBH I can't get it to work
> and
> "sagemath %mprun"
> gives to pages of search results including this thread ^^

Duh. Somebody should add a page on this to the doc.

First, said

./sage -pip install memory_profiler

and then normally

./sage --notebook=jupyter

In a notebook I did

def power2(x):
     L = range(x)
     s = 0
     for i in L:
         s += 2*i+1
     return s

and then loaded the extension

%load_ext memory_profiler

and last ran


It works. However,

%mprun -f power2

does not. Is there an easy way to profile memory usage on line-by-line 

Jori Mäntysalo

Tampereen yliopisto - Ihminen ratkaisee

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