On 19-09-02 10:35:18, Simon King wrote:
> Hi J,
> On 2019-08-24, J <mailinglists-sage-supp...@927589452.de> wrote:
> > to do a overview of a rather different set of `SAGE` methods, I would
> > like to not only track the time used to run a command, but also the
> > memory usage of the commands.
> >
> > Is there a recommended way to do this?
> I am a bit surprised that nobody answered this question yet. Sorry.
> There is the get_memory_usage command, that might provide what you asked
> for. But I am not sure if I understand correctly what you want to
> achieve: Do you have a lengthy program and you want to understand how
> much resources each individual command in your program takes? In that
> case, it might make sense to use a profiler (e.g., %prun or %crun). Or do
> you only want to know how much time and memore the program takes in total?
> In that case, %time and get_memory_usage would probably give you the
> answer.

Thanks get_memory_usage sounds good; I want to run several decoders from
the coding theory module to see better show there ups and downs;

it is expected for the syndrome decoder to be quicker but more memory
hungry while the nearest neighbor is more time expensive.

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