On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:51 AM, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nathan does give the link to the original post, but he is quoting out of
>> context. Here is the full post:
> Still, it would be incomplete to claim, as in the original post, that the
> only aim of SageMath Inc. is to fund Sage development and associated
> activities. Take it as a proof that William announced that the development
> of SageMath Inc. was now his only professional activity, and you can safely
> guess that he will pay himself for that.
> Consequently, by making "a lot of money" through SageMath Inc. it is clear
> that William also aims at making money for himself (food, rent, whatever).
> Missing that, his presentation was certainly not exhaustive.
> Nathann
> Note to the moderator: this email only contains facts, and is of general
> interest to the community of developers of Sage, whose name is represented
> by the company SageMath Inc (owner of the trademark).


I've put you on the moderated list for both sage-devel and sage-support.

>From the sage-support page:

"Before posting, please check the FAQ page, try searching Sage
resources or goto ask.sagemath.org.
Guidelines: 1. only one question per post | 2. descriptive subject
title | 3. also describe the desired result and the context of the
Include: Platform (CPU) and Operating System | Exact version of Sage
(command: "version()") | Provide copy-paste-ready reproducible
commands causing the error."

Please send followups to sage-flame.

Thank you.

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