C'est clair. Je ne vois pas où est le problème car le projet reste open
source avec en 0lus une volonté de proposer une utilisation sur un serveur

Le 25 août 2016 10:29, "Henri Girard" <henri.gir...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Certains on la dent longue ! lol
> Le 25/08/2016 à 10:14, Justin C. Walker a écrit :
>> Why is this still being discussed?  It belongs on the flame list.
>> On Aug 24, 2016, at 13:12 , Nathann Cohen wrote:
>> Quote from William Stein, CEO of SageMath Inc (private for-profit
>>> Delaware company) [1]
>>>     So there is no confusion, my top priority right now is to **make a
>>> lot
>>>     of money** by building a profitable company on open source software
>>>     (Latex, Linux, Sage, Octave, R, etc.)
>>>     (full post)
>>>     https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/B3WnJr6S1bw/JQ_jvOITBAAJ
>>> This post being entirely factual, I shouldn't be held responsible for
>>> its content.
>>> Nathann
>>> [1] http://www.edgarcompany.sec.gov/servlet/CompanyDBSearch?page
>>> =detailed&cik=0001634867&main_back=23
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>> --
>> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
>> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
>> --------
>> Experience is what you get
>>    when you don't get what you want.
>> --------
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