Hi Dima,

On 2016-08-24, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at 3:50:32 AM UTC+1, Andrew wrote:
>> Does anyone have experience in using sage for on-line quizzes that count 
>> towards student assessment. Of course, in addition to writing the code and 
>> the content. there are various security issues that need to be taken care 
>> of to do this. ...
> SMC (i.e. cloud.sagemath.com) does have a lot of functionality for 
> supporting courses.
> With just a free SMC account its functionality  might be a bit too limited 
> (e.g. it might not be fast enough for large classes) - but you can 
> certainly try it, and have a functioning course setup. 

Is that an option, if security concerns are relevant? My university
wouldn't allow to store the student's personal information on servers in
the USA.


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