> Did you build or install a pre-built Sage?  Anything that looks sketchy in 
> the system logs (open the Console app)?  Are you using a notebook or terminal 
> interface to sage?

I have unpacked the binary over my old 6.6 installation.  The console shows 
nothing sketchy.  I am running the notebook.  I can try it out on the terminal 
as well.

> Another thought: start a fresh version of Sage in a Terminal window and see 
> if that works.

I reopened it, and now it is working in console and notebook().  —Weird

> At this point, I have no idea what could be wrong…

Should I try recompiling if this happens in the future?  I forgot how to do 

> Justin
> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
> Director
> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
> -----------
> Nobody knows the trouble I've been
> -----------

Chris Maness

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