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Linux iota #7 SMP Sat Aug 2 23:41:34 CEST 2014 x86_64 
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You are right, there are such line. Find Makefile attached to this message.
I can ask admin of the server to fix the date.

If you say that building sage locally is the best solution I can do it. But 
can you explain how should I build sage locally that it will fit to the 

Thanks for remarks.
Best regards

W dniu środa, 31 grudnia 2014 11:47:09 UTC+1 użytkownik Volker Braun 
> We run "./configure $$PREREQ_OPTIONS" in build/install so that must be 
> where the "x make" came from. But I'm a bit confused how that is possible. 
>  According to the log he hasn't set PREREQ_OPTIONS.
> Pawel, can you post your build/Makefile? This should include the make 
> target:
> $(INST)/prereq: ../configure
>         @cd ..; rm -f config.log; ln -s logs/pkgs/config.log config.log; \
>         ./configure $$PREREQ_OPTIONS || ( \
>             if [ "x$$SAGE_PORT" = x ]; then \
>                 echo "If you would like to try to build Sage anyway (to 
> help porting),"; \
>                 echo "export the variable 'SAGE_PORT' to something 
> non-empty."; \
>                 exit 1; \
>             else \
>                 echo "Since 'SAGE_PORT' is set, we will try to build 
> anyway."; \
>             fi; )
>         touch $@
> Also, the "Warning: File `Makefile' has modification time 1.5 s in the 
> future" means that you are on a network file system where the file server 
> clock is out of sync. This is a serious problem, you should ask your admin 
> to fix it. Ideally build Sage on a local file system (/scratch or so).
> On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 10:39:23 PM UTC+1, Paweł Bogdan wrote:
>> I don't know that neither. I followed instruction from 
>> http://www.sagemath.org/doc/installation/source.html#step-by-step-installation-procedure.
>> I didn't run any ./configure script. I run only make to get logs I attached 
>> earlier. Are those steps are wrong? Should I run ./configure before make? 
>> What arguments should I use?
>> Best regards
>> Paweł
>> W dniu wtorek, 30 grudnia 2014 20:46:59 UTC+1 użytkownik Jeroen Demeyer 
>> napisał:
>>> You config.log seems to indicate that you did run 
>>> ./configure x make 
>>> which will obviously lead to problems. 
>>> If you didn't run this, I don't know where these bogus arguments 
>>> "x make" came from... 

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