On 2014-08-22, Daniel Friedan <dfrie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ------=_Part_5_1837348027.1408711654748
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> I've done a couple of experiments with the latest version of Sage (6.3) 
> under OS X 10.6.8, using the official 10.7 and 10.6 binaries available for 
> download.

Please also pay attention to the CPU type. If you want your binary to run on all
the machines capable of running OSX 10.6.8, you might need to be more careful 
than just 
running Volker's recepy.
Specifically, Core2 Duo chips are pretty much screwed up under OSX 10.6, as 
their 64-bit 
capabilities aren't really well-supported.

At least it would be important to know the CPU type you use exactly.

Just in case,

> (1) *sage-6.3-x86_64-Darwin-OSX_10.7_x86_64.dmg* 
> This is an app version (the file name should be changed to 
> *sage-6.3-x86_64-Darwin-OSX_10.7_x86_64-app.dmg* 
> ).
> It runs on OS X 10.6.8 (though I didn't test much).
> It seems large, 4.53 GB.
> (2) *sage-6.3-x86_64-Darwin-OSX_10.6_x86_64.dmg* 
> This is the non-app version.  I turned it into an app version by the 
> following:
>       1.  moved sage/ out of sage-6.2.app/Contents/Resources/
>       2.  copied sage-6.2.app/ and named the copy sage-6.3.app/
>       3.  moved the 6.3 version of sage/ into 
> sage-6.3.app/Contents/Resources/
>       4.  edit a few lines in sage-6.3.app/Contents/Info.plist (actually, I 
> should have but didn't bother).
> So it seems trivial to make an OS X 10.6 app version from a OS X 10.6 
> non-app version.
> The size is 3.55 GB, smaller by about 1GB than the official OS X 10.7 app 
> version.
> For comparison, the official sage-6.2-app is 3.32 GB.
> Daniel

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