On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 7:29:01 AM UTC-7, Daniel Krenn wrote:

> (<type 'sage.rings.complex_interval.ComplexIntervalFieldElement'>, 2175) 
> (<type 'sage.rings.real_mpfi.RealIntervalFieldElement'>, 8563)

Numbers of course depend on the context, but this doesn't look alarming. 
You can probably check yourself if you expect the number of RIF and CIF 
elements to be of this order. They certainly wouldn't keep anything in ECL 

(<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>, 28257)

This could be a large number (although expressions are recursive data 
structures, so one complicated expression can cause a lot of them to 
exist). Expressions could keep things in ecl alive, but there would have to 
be EclObjects in memory for that and you're finding none. This suggests 
that anything you're sending over to maxima gets sent there via the 
strings-based interface.

> (<type 'tuple'>, 38713) 
> (<type 'sage.rings.rational.Rational'>, 3555901) 

that is a rather huge number. Are you keeping a large number of tuples with 
rational numbers in memory somewhere (roughly 100 numbers per tuple on 
average)? If not, then you may want to look where these are coming from. 

It doesn't look like the results above help (but maybe I just interpret 
> them wrongly) 

Well, it excludes EclObject, so that is telling us that any "leaking" to 
maxima would have to occur strings-based. The strings-based maxima 
interface uses temporary symbols to tie translated results to in maxima. As 
we know, generating symbols in common lisp almost always causes a memory 
leak in that the symbol names get interned and never forgotten, this would 
be the most likely reason to have leaking behaviour. We can find this out 
by defining:

maxima_calculus(1) # make sure maxima_calculus is defined
from sage.libs.ecl import ecl_eval
 def ecl_symbols():
    return set(ecl_eval("""(let ((lst ())) (do-all-symbols (s lst) (push s 
lst)) lst)"""))

Now let's do some tests to see if we're collecting any symbols:

for i in range(10):
   _= integrate(sin(x),1,10)
   B = ecl_symbols()
   print B.difference(A)
   A= B

The above works fine: we get some symbols that do get defined initially, 
but once they exist, no new symbols arise.

for i in range(10):
   _= sin(x).simplify()
   B = ecl_symbols()
   print B.difference(A)
   A= B

Here we see the culprit! "simplify" still uses the strings-based interface 
and it is creating a new "temporary" symbol every time: $sage6, $sage7 etc. 
This leaks.

To plug this, we should either try and reuse these symbols or dive into CL 
to see if we can really unintern them (which is going to be the same 
problem, because we'd have to know when it's safe to unintern, i.e., safe 
to recycle.

Either that or someone sits down and finally removes the strings-based uses 
from our maxima_lib interface.

So, my guess is that you're just making a lot of calls to maxima that end 
up using the strings-based interface, rather than the binary interface, and 
that the memory blow-up you're experiencing is the accumulation of 
(unbound) `$sage...` symbols. This is certainly something that would always 
happen, albeit slowly. However, you could of course be running into a 
different leak as well, so it may be worth playing around with the above 
yourself a bit.

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