I had already created an alias in my /usr/local/bin/ folder using the ln 
command so there should be no PATH related issues right? I'm asking because 
I'm no expert at this, I've only used Ubuntu for a little while and most of 
my work is done in TeXMaker so I don't usually fiddle with my Terminal :(

When you mean transcript, do you mean a list of instructions? If so, this 
is what I did:
1) Open example.tex with TexMaker
2) pdfLaTeX + view PDF
3) double click on the example.sagetex.sage file (or sage 
example.sagetex.sage in terminal)
4) Sage starts, everything looks ok, the file is being processed
5) A bunch of files are then created in my User folder
6) error in the script and everything stops.

Here is what shows up in the Terminal window:

sage /Users/sdermon/Documents/popo/example.sagetex.sage; exit

Processing Sage code for example.tex...

Inline formula 0

Inline formula 1

Inline formula 2

Inline formula 3

Code block begin...end

Inline formula 4

Inline formula 5

Inline formula 6

Code block begin...end

Inline formula 7

Inline formula 8

Code block begin...end

Inline formula 9

Inline formula 10

Code block begin...end

Inline formula 11

Code block begin...end

Inline formula 12

Initializing plots directory

Plot 0

Code block begin...end

Code block begin...end

Plot 1

Plot 2

Code block begin...end

Code block begin...end

Plot 3

Plot 4

Code block begin...end

Plot 5

Code block begin...end

Plot 6

Inline formula 13

Code block begin...end

Plot 7

  saving sage-plots-for-example.tex/plot-7.eps failed; saving to 
sage-plots-for-example.tex/plot-7.png instead.

Code block begin...end

Plot 8

SageTeX paused on example.tex line 298

SageTeX unpaused on example.tex line 310

Code block begin...end

Inline formula 15

Inline formula 16

Inline formula 17

f called with a =  x

Inline formula 18

Inline formula 19

Inline formula 20

Inline formula 21

f called with a =  4

Inline formula 22

Sage commandline 0

Sage commandline 1

Hola, mundo!

Sage commandline 2

Sage commandline 3

Sage commandline 4

Sage commandline 5

Sage commandline 6

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/sdermon/Documents/popo/example.sagetex.py", line 367, in 


line 282, in endofdoc

    sagef = open(self.filename + '.sagetex.sage', 'r')

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'example.sagetex.sage'


Le vendredi 14 mars 2014 02:00:41 UTC+1, kcrisman a écrit :
> Anyways, if the first method didn't work, isn't there some kind of deeper 
>> problem ?
>> If the first method didn’t work, then it seems there is some bigger 
>> problem.  Perhaps you could include a transcript of what you did together 
>> with your sample file.
> Yeah, at this point I think we need to see that.
> A different thing you could do is to create an alias for your Sage 
> installation in your command line.  I do this:
> 1) I create a soft link (using "ln -s", be careful about the syntax!) for 
> my Sage install
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 kcrisman  admin         87 Oct 10 08:06 sage -> 
> /Users/kcrisman/Downloads/Sage-5.12-OSX-64bit-10.6.app/Contents/Resources/sage/sage
> 2) In my .profile (you could perhaps use .bashrc or whatever) I add
> export PATH=$PATH:'/Applications/MathApps'
> and you would add wherever you put your soft link.
> Then you should be able to run Sage anywhere in your directory structure. 
>  In principle this should be the same as my earlier suggestion but maybe I 
> messed something up?

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