Hi - sorry for delay - thanks - I must have done something wrong - I get:

ls: cannot access /media/sf_Auxiliary_files: No such file or directory

On Saturday, April 6, 2013 1:20:37 PM UTC+2, Volker Braun wrote:
> Some of the docs are out of date (sorry, feel free to update the wiki as 
> necessary) but the shared folder section should work. And does work for me. 
> Whats the output of 
> os.system('ls /media')
> os.system('ls /media/sf_Auxiliary_files')
> on your machine? You should get a list of files...
> On Saturday, April 6, 2013 12:10:20 PM UTC+1, GaryMak wrote:
>> OK ... this is a very sad day ... I am finally going to have to admit 
>> publicly now that I cannot even follow the instructions at Section4 of 
>> http://wiki.sagemath.org/SageAppliance in order to get my VM to be able 
>> to see python scripts I download from the kind people in this GoogleGroup 
>> ... I attribute this to being born in the 1960's, and never having looked 
>> at a computer from the mid-eighties until recently ... but whatever the 
>> reason, typing this: (having put the file in the folder named 
>> "(dropbox/etcetcetc)/Auxiliary_files", restarted the machine etc etc)
>> load "/media/sf_Auxiliary_files/set_of_tuple_of_finite_field.py"
>> gets me this:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>   File "_sage_input_5.py", line 10, in <module>
>>     exec compile(u'open("___code___.py","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 
>> -*-\\n" + 
>> _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("bG9hZCAiL21lZGlhL3NmX0F1eGlsaWFyeV9maWxlcy9zZXRfb2ZfdHVwbGVfb2ZfZmluaXRlX2ZpZWxkLnB5Ig=="),globals())+"\\n");
>> execfile(os.path.abspath("___code___.py"))
>>   File "", line 1, in <module>
>>   File "/tmp/tmp3BK76S/___code___.py", line 2, in <module>
>>     exec 
>> compile(u'sage.misc.preparser.load(sage.misc.preparser.base64.b64decode("Ii9tZWRpYS9zZl9BdXhpbGlhcnlfZmlsZXMvc2V0X29mX3R1cGxlX29mX2Zpbml0ZV9maWVsZC5weSI="),globals(),False)
>>   File "", line 1, in <module>
>>   File 
>> "/home/sage/sage-5.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/preparser.py",
>> line 1802, in load
>>     raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)
>> IOError: did not find file 
>> '/media/sf_Auxiliary_files/set_of_tuple_of_finite_field.py' to load or 
>> attach
>> I assume it's not the usual windows-versus-Mac forward-slash-v-backslash 
>> nonsense, since you guys seem to have taken care of that in your parsers ...
>> In return for forcing someone out of pity to answer such an obviously (to 
>> you guys) dopy question, I hereby promise to re-write that help page 
>> slightly (once I know the answer) in terms even I can follow ...
>> thanks, as always ....
>> On Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:11:54 PM UTC+2, kcrisman wrote:
>>> Here's a question about the VirtualBox solution for Volker or others.
>>> How possible is the following lab scenario?
>>> 1. Student chooses a computer from a (nightly wiped) lab
>>> 2. Student logs on to computer
>>> 3. Student open a VirtualBox Sage that is already installed (on the 
>>> propagated image in the lab), which automatically starts Sage (no " power 
>>> on Sage-x.y.z by selecting it and clicking 'Start'." as on the 
>>> SageAppliance wiki page)
>>> 4. Student puts in a flash drive, and easily surfs to their flash drive 
>>> on the "Upload" page of the server (because "enable shared folders" 
>>> instructions have been done ahead of time somehow)
>>> 5. Student works on their worksheet
>>> 6. Student downloads worksheet as sws, again to their flash drive 
>>> (currently I don't see a way to choose where to download them, they just do 
>>> to the default place)
>>> 7. Student ejects zip drive
>>> 8. Student leaves for dinner or checks FB or does whatever students do 
>>> nowadays
>>> In particular, I'm wondering whether
>>> * having Sage open as soon as one open the VirtualBox, not having to 
>>> choose it
>>> * having the shared folder enabling done ahead of time, possibly 
>>> universally
>>> * having the files be easy to find
>>> is possible.  /media/sf_<volume name>/filename seems forbidding...
>>> Thanks, and my apologies if these questions are obvious from the 
>>> SageAppliance documentation or ask.sagemath answers; I felt like this was 
>>> subtly different, but maybe it's not.  What I'm hoping is that a little lab 
>>> admin wizardry could make the VirtualBox solution nearly like having other 
>>> programs to double-click.  Maybe there could even be a script that opened 
>>> the VirtualBox with Sage at exactly 9:55 for a 10:00 class...
>>> Thanks,
>>> - kcrisman

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