Some of the docs are out of date (sorry, feel free to update the wiki as 
necessary) but the shared folder section should work. And does work for me. 
Whats the output of 

os.system('ls /media')
os.system('ls /media/sf_Auxiliary_files')

on your machine? You should get a list of files...

On Saturday, April 6, 2013 12:10:20 PM UTC+1, GaryMak wrote:
> OK ... this is a very sad day ... I am finally going to have to admit 
> publicly now that I cannot even follow the instructions at Section4 of 
> in order to get my VM to be able 
> to see python scripts I download from the kind people in this GoogleGroup 
> ... I attribute this to being born in the 1960's, and never having looked 
> at a computer from the mid-eighties until recently ... but whatever the 
> reason, typing this: (having put the file in the folder named 
> "(dropbox/etcetcetc)/Auxiliary_files", restarted the machine etc etc)
> load "/media/sf_Auxiliary_files/"
> gets me this:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "", line 10, in <module>
>     exec compile(u'open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 
> -*-\\n" + 
> _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("bG9hZCAiL21lZGlhL3NmX0F1eGlsaWFyeV9maWxlcy9zZXRfb2ZfdHVwbGVfb2ZfZmluaXRlX2ZpZWxkLnB5Ig=="),globals())+"\\n");
> execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
>   File "", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/tmp/tmp3BK76S/", line 2, in <module>
>     exec 
> compile(u'sage.misc.preparser.load(sage.misc.preparser.base64.b64decode("Ii9tZWRpYS9zZl9BdXhpbGlhcnlfZmlsZXMvc2V0X29mX3R1cGxlX29mX2Zpbml0ZV9maWVsZC5weSI="),globals(),False)
>   File "", line 1, in <module>
>   File 
> "/home/sage/sage-5.7/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/misc/",
> line 1802, in load
>     raise IOError('did not find file %r to load or attach' % filename)
> IOError: did not find file 
> '/media/sf_Auxiliary_files/' to load or 
> attach
> I assume it's not the usual windows-versus-Mac forward-slash-v-backslash 
> nonsense, since you guys seem to have taken care of that in your parsers ...
> In return for forcing someone out of pity to answer such an obviously (to 
> you guys) dopy question, I hereby promise to re-write that help page 
> slightly (once I know the answer) in terms even I can follow ...
> thanks, as always ....
> On Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:11:54 PM UTC+2, kcrisman wrote:
>> Here's a question about the VirtualBox solution for Volker or others.
>> How possible is the following lab scenario?
>> 1. Student chooses a computer from a (nightly wiped) lab
>> 2. Student logs on to computer
>> 3. Student open a VirtualBox Sage that is already installed (on the 
>> propagated image in the lab), which automatically starts Sage (no " power 
>> on Sage-x.y.z by selecting it and clicking 'Start'." as on the 
>> SageAppliance wiki page)
>> 4. Student puts in a flash drive, and easily surfs to their flash drive 
>> on the "Upload" page of the server (because "enable shared folders" 
>> instructions have been done ahead of time somehow)
>> 5. Student works on their worksheet
>> 6. Student downloads worksheet as sws, again to their flash drive 
>> (currently I don't see a way to choose where to download them, they just do 
>> to the default place)
>> 7. Student ejects zip drive
>> 8. Student leaves for dinner or checks FB or does whatever students do 
>> nowadays
>> In particular, I'm wondering whether
>> * having Sage open as soon as one open the VirtualBox, not having to 
>> choose it
>> * having the shared folder enabling done ahead of time, possibly 
>> universally
>> * having the files be easy to find
>> is possible.  /media/sf_<volume name>/filename seems forbidding...
>> Thanks, and my apologies if these questions are obvious from the 
>> SageAppliance documentation or ask.sagemath answers; I felt like this was 
>> subtly different, but maybe it's not.  What I'm hoping is that a little lab 
>> admin wizardry could make the VirtualBox solution nearly like having other 
>> programs to double-click.  Maybe there could even be a script that opened 
>> the VirtualBox with Sage at exactly 9:55 for a 10:00 class...
>> Thanks,
>> - kcrisman

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