On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 9:28:25 PM UTC-8, pong wrote:
> I have two simply questions about displaying complex numbers in sage:
> 1) Is there a good reason why the imaginary part of a complex number comes 
> before its real part in sage?
>     e.g. sage: 1+i
>            I+1
> 2) Is there a "simple" way to force the real part to appear before the 
> imaginary part?
Well, there is a function "complex" that will force a complex number to 
appear as real+imag*j, e.g. complex(1+2i) will give (1+2j). I wouldn't say 
this is exactly a "simple" way to solve qu 2, perhaps someone can tell us 
how to achieve that without typing complex all the time. Certainly, it is 
fine writing the imaginary part first (just like writing (y,x) for (x,y)) 
but it is not so nice when one is teaching a class where the students have 
seen complex numbers in their "standard forn" before. Afterall, if they are 
equivalent so why not adhere to the custom?

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