On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:35 AM, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2013-01-23, Jori Mantysalo <jori.mantys...@uta.fi> wrote:
>> On Wed, 23 Jan 2013, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>> How have you installed Sage to computer classes that has windows? The
>>>> image is
>>> I never heard of this. IMHO everyone who taught or teaches using Sage
>>> uses Sage servers (run locally; or, even --- a much less stable setup --
>>> *sagenb.org ones); then nothing special needs to be installed on the
>>> client machines (well, perhaps a compatible web browser)
>>> And indeed, unless you teach Sage development, not merely usage, this
>>> suffices.
>> Because of memory requirements it does not. :=(
>> There is no problem when students do something on their own. But when ~20
>> of them are sitting at a computer class and trying to do something at the
>> same time, we run out of memory.
> Check your setup. It could be that you just need to set ulimits
> properly, add enough swap...
> Think of the load sagenb.org can hold (it's a single machine, you know...),

It's a computer from 2008 with 128GB of RAM and 24 cores... (it's

> in our experience 30 people per server, with 12GB of RAM, worked OK.
> We had a class of over 100 people, sitting in two labs, using 4
> different servers.
> Failing that, get more RAM or run more than one server...
>> --
>> Jori Mäntysalo
> --
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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