2012-05-07 04:16, Kjetil brinchmann Halvorsen skrev:

    Do you use anything that may affect sage's ability to open ports?

   My problem with answering is that I don't really know anything about
"ports" . I guess that has something to do with networking,
but nbothing more! Any hints about books/papers/netplaces to read to
learn about "ports"?

This problem is probably beyond me, but someone else might answer, and you have the other thread going on the same problem. I do not expect that the text below will solve your problem, but perhaps it helps you understand the error message better:

My (possibly incorrect) intuition about ports:

We have networking and we need a way to organize the programs that want to connect to the network. Let's imagine that the network card has 2^16 different "connection points" that the programs can connect to, and let's call them ports. When a program connects to another (on the same or a different machine), it needs to communicate with a port, and the responding program needs to "listen" to that port. As an example, my web server listens to incoming requests from others, and it does so on port 80. Thus if you want to see on of the web pages it serves, you send a request to that computer, and send it to port 80 on that computer. This also works for local networking, it does not matter if the request to port 80 came from the outside or from another program running on the same machine.

The sage notebook runs in a web server, and you connect to it locally (or remotely if the notebook is configured to respond to requests from other machines, which it is probably not, for security purposes.

You can see some info about open ports by running "netstat -t -p". My sage notebook runs on port 8000.

One example output line of the netstat command is

tcp 0 0 johan-laptop.loca:36666 ESTABLISHED 28025/xchat-gnome

Saying that I have a tcp port open (there are two kinds, tcp and udp and sage uses tcp), from my local machine, port 36666 to port ircd (I assume this indicated the standard port for an irc client) and the port was opened by the program xchat-gnome.

The wikipedia page is at <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_%28computer_networking%29>

kjetil@kjetil:~/sage/sage-5.0.rc0$ ./sage --ipython
WARNING: Configuration file ipythonrc not found. Ignoring request.
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 66, in load
     fname = filefind(fname,incpath)
line 554, in filefind
' not found in current or supplied directories:' + `alt_dirs`
IOError: File'ipythonrc' not found in current or supplied

WARNING: Problems loading configuration file 'ipythonrc'
Starting with default -bare bones- configuration.
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)

in force_import(modname, force_reload)
      61         reload(sys.modules[modname])
      62     else:
---> 63         __import__(modname)

ImportError: Bad magic number in /home/kjetil/.ipython/ipy_user_conf.pyc
WARNING: /home/kjetil/.ipython/ipy_user_conf.py does not exist, please
run %upgrade!
WARNING: Loading of ipy_user_conf failed.

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In [1]: 3**33

Out[1]: 5559060566555523

In [2]:

From what Keshav said, this appears rather harmless for the functionality, but a bit annoying. You get a warning, but the thing tested actually works.

As all tests pass for my wheezy, let me know if there is anything I can do to see where we differ. I do have ipython 0.12 (which is 0.11 or newer, and I do not get the error.

root@johan-laptop:/home/johan# aptitude show ipython
Paket: ipython
Tillstånd: installerat
Automatiskt installerade: nej
Version: 0.12-1



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